The American Lebanese Policy Institute Political Action Committee (ALPI PAC) visited Washington D.C. during the week of May 13, 2024, to address critical issues concerning Lebanon’s stability and security. The delegation engaged with members of the administration and Congress to emphasize the importance of continued U.S. support for the Lebanese Army, the enforcement of United Nations Resolutions 1701 and 1559, and the urgent need to address the refugee crisis in Lebanon.

Key Agenda Items Discussed:

  1. Support for the Lebanese Army: ALPI PAC underscored the necessity for ongoing U.S. military aid to the Lebanese Army. The delegation highlighted the army’s pivotal role in maintaining national security, combating terrorism, and ensuring regional stability.
  2. Enforcement of UN Resolutions 1701 and 1559: The PAC urged Congress and the administration to intensify efforts to enforce these critical resolutions. Resolution 1701, which calls for a cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel, and Resolution 1559, which demands the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon, are essential for the country’s sovereignty and peace.
  3. Refugee Crisis: The delegation addressed the severe impact of the ongoing refugee crisis in Lebanon, which hosts over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. ALPI PAC called for increased international support and comprehensive solutions to prevent further economic and social destabilization in Lebanon.
    During their visit, ALPI PAC welcomed a delegation of Lebanese Members of Parliament to their
    Washington D.C. office on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

“The Lebanese Army is a cornerstone of Lebanon’s stability, and it is imperative that the United States
continues to provide the necessary support to ensure its effectiveness,” said Paul ElHindi, ALPI PAC
President. “Furthermore, the enforcement of UN Resolutions 1701 and 1559 is not just a Lebanese
concern but a regional and international priority.”
“The refugee crisis is a ticking time bomb that requires immediate and sustained international attention.
Failure to address this issue could have catastrophic consequences not only for Lebanon but for the entire
region,” added Mr. ElHindi.