The American Lebanese Policy Institute PAC (ALPI PAC) convened a significant dinner event on December the 6th, 2023 in honor of MP Samy Gemayel’s visit to Washington, D.C. Mr. Gemayel, chairman of the Lebanese Kataeb Party and a prominent figure leading the opposition against Iran’s dominance and its proxies in Lebanon, was warmly received by esteemed attendees.
The dinner welcomed distinguished guests, including Congressman Darrell Issa, Congresswoman Marianette Miller-Meeks, Congressman Max Miller represented by his chief of staff Mr. Joe Ellis, Lebanese presidential candidates Mr. Jihad Azour and Mrs. May Rihani, ALPI PAC executive board members, and representatives from various Lebanese Kataeb Bureau and other political organizations in D.C. The gathering served as a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration.
Mr. Paul Elhindi, President of ALPI PAC, extended a warm welcome to all attendees and expressed gratitude for chairman Gemayel’s presence in D.C. He emphasized the PAC’s commitment to fostering continuous communication with MP Gemayel, acknowledging his pivotal role in Lebanon’s opposition against Hezbollah and Iran’s control.
Acknowledging the crucial role of attending congresspersons, Mr. Elhindi highlighted their support in advocating for the PAC’s ideas and concerns to pertinent establishments, underscoring the mutual interests of the American, American Lebanese, and Lebanese people.
Congressman Issa conveyed appreciation for the delightful dinner and commended the impactful work accomplished by ALPI PAC in D.C. He emphasized Lebanon’s significance as an ally, a bastion of freedom, and democracy in the region.
Congresswoman Miller-Meeks extended a warm welcome to MP Gemayel and expressed gratitude to ALPI PAC, ensuring continued collaboration and communication to advance Lebanon’s interests.
MP Samy Gemayel conveyed heartfelt appreciation for ALPI PAC’s dedicated efforts toward Lebanon’s betterment, particularly in influencing decision-makers in D.C. to address Iran’s dominance through its proxy, Hezbollah. He urged attending congresspersons to amplify the voice of the Lebanese people in the Capitol, advocating for the enforcement of resolutions 1701 and 1559 and seeking a definitive resolution against Iran’s dominion in Lebanon and the wider region.
In concluding remarks, MP Gemayel expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support received during his visit to Washington, pledging continued collaboration with decision-makers to safeguard Lebanon’s freedom and independence.
ALPI PAC remains committed to fostering strong ties and advocating for a liberated and independent Lebanon, working collaboratively with leaders and decision-makers for a prosperous future.

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