The American Lebanese Policy Institute PAC (ALPI PAC) proudly announces its participation as a supporting partner at the upcoming International Democracy Union Forum, scheduled to take place in Washington DC in December 2023. The International Democracy Union is the global alliance of center-right parties, chaired by 22nd Prime Minister of Canada Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper. The ALPI PAC will play a crucial role in the panel discussion on “Democracy Under Threat,” represented by Joseph Hage, the Executive Director of the American Lebanese Policy Institute PAC.

Joseph Hage brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this important representation. Since 1992, he has steadfastly served as a Middle East Political and Terrorism Analyst, actively engaging as an advocate and lobbyist in the United States. His commitment revolves around shedding light on the threats emanating from Radical Islam and Jihadist movements in the Middle East.

Among Mr. Hage’s notable accomplishments is his role in the passage of the “Syria Accountability and Lebanon Sovereignty Restoration Act” (SALSRA). This legislation facilitated the imposition of sanctions on the Syrian Regime for its support of terrorist organizations in the region. Additionally, his collaborative efforts contributed to the passing and implementation of several crucial United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), including 1559, 1595, 1640, and 1701. One of his most impactful achievements was his involvement in UNSCR 1559, which played a pivotal role in sparking the Cedar Revolution. This movement ultimately led to the withdrawal of Syrian occupation from Lebanon after three decades. Beyond his legislative successes, Mr. Hage is a prominent figure in international media, frequently providing insightful analysis and commentary on global affairs.

During the forum, the ALPI PAC will actively engage in discussions about the challenges faced by democracies worldwide. The PAC will particularly focus on the unique perspective of the American Lebanese community, conveying concerns about Lebanon and advocating for the American Lebanese interests in the Middle East to decision-makers from around the globe.

Furthermore, the ALPI PAC plans to leverage its presence in Washington DC to meet with additional decision-makers in the United States. These meetings will serve as a platform to discuss in-depth the American Lebanese interests in the U.S. and address upcoming events that impact the community.

The ALPI PAC remains committed to fostering democracy, advocating for human rights, and representing the interests of the American Lebanese community on the global stage. The participation in the International Democracy Union Forum underscores the PAC’s dedication to shaping international discourse on democracy and advancing the values that form the cornerstone of free societies.

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