On 4/26/22, the ALPI PAC participated in the “2022 Conference for Free Lebanon”. In that conference policy strategies to liberate Lebanon from Iran’s occupation and disarm Hezbollah militia were discussed. The following is the ALPI PAC policy that was presented and discussed in the conference.

Policy Document on Lebanon, prepared by ALPI PAC

Lebanon is witnessing today the worst economic, financial and political crisis in 100 years. Unlike the rest of the world, that is affecting by external events, the situation in Lebanon is caused by the mismanagement of the state, deep state corruption, and the rule of a mafia and a militia alliance for the last 30 years. Lebanon is also in a hostage situation. The Iranian Regime is taking the country away from its historical role and positioning to become a proxy for the Iranian regime and a bargaining card in the hands of Hezbollah to use against its Arab neighbors and the world.
The United States and Lebanon enjoyed fruitful and close relationship for the past century and even more. The United States was and still is the favorite destination for Lebanese Immigrants who found their place and role in the US social fabric and are working for the growth and prosperity of the United States as their homeland.
However, nowadays, the Hezbollah-led establishment is trying to drift Lebanon away from its close ties with the US and to establish a new status-quo where Lebanon becomes part of the anti-US axis in the MENA region. As proud Americans, we will use all our powers to stop this attempt and work closely with like-minded people in the US and Lebanon in order to bring back peace and prosperity to Lebanon and its people with the support of the US administration and the US people.

Policy priorities:
Under these principles and goals, the ALPI-PAC is keeping a close eye on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Lebanon, scheduled to take place on May 15th, as a peaceful opportunity for the Lebanese people to save their country and continue the change movement that started with the October 17th 2019 uprising in Lebanon.

In order to help the Lebanese people in their peaceful demand for change, prosperity and peace, the ALPI-PAC proposes the following steps on the US decision makers, to be based on for any policy, bill or Executive Order that targets Lebanon and the US-Lebanese relations:

  1. Pressure for the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 1559 and1701, in particular the clauses pertaining to the disarmament of all militias on Lebanese soil and the protection of Lebanon’s borders with Syria to stop weapons and money smuggling to Hezbollah. By sealing that border “the government” can stop the flow of arms and most importantly the cash to Hezbollah.
  2. Broaden the reach of the Magnitsky Act targeting the corrupt and those who prevent the government from operating and those who are strangling the judiciary.
  3. Asking the International community to support a call to transfer the investigation of the Beirut Blast to an International Tribunal.

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